IHL Clinic Network

The educational value of IHL Clinics

IHL Clinics offer a unique opportunity for students and supervisors alike, as this teaching approach combines IHL education with IHL research. IHL Clinics enable students to apply legal theory to real-world problems and to produce research outcomes with tangible, societal impact.

The IHL Clinic movement

Since the establishment of the IHL Clinic in Leiden in 2012, being the first one in Europe and one of the first in the world, the IHL RED project partners have witnessed the emergence of a number of IHL Clinics around the world, and have likewise been contacted by several scholars who seek advice and support in setting up an IHL Clinic.

While there is already some cooperation between existing IHL Clinics, the IHL RED project partners highly welcome the emergence of a Global IHL Clinic Movement and seek to further endorse the emerging momentum of clinical legal education in the field of International Humanitarian Law and related fields, such as International Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law.

Paving the way to an IHL Clinic Network

We envision connecting those who are already directing an IHL Clinic, to mutually learn from each other and continue to enhance the quality of the methodology. In addition, the IHL RED project partners are happy to provide practically-oriented support and expertise to those who wish to set up an IHL Clinic. Finally, we kindly invite humanitarian organisations and potential project partners to reach out and get in contact with Clinics near them.

The objective of the mailing list

The mailing list is envisioned to function as a communication channel between the various IHL Clinic directors, supervisors and academics interested in the clinical legal methodology as well as in setting up their own IHL Clinic. This includes sharing information about cooperating partners who seek to commission an IHL Clinic project, potential funding opportunities, visits to other IHL Clinics, joint publications or joint research for one cooperating partner, etc.

The idea is to share information, help each other out, and grow and further institutionalize together as a network.

The target audience of the mailing list are:

  • University lecturers who are planning to set up an IHL Clinic and seek to receive support;
  • IHL Clinic directors, who will be able and encouraged to share their experience in setting up and managing an IHL Clinic;
  • Individual researchers who would like to get in contact with existing IHL Clinics.
  • Representatives of an organisation interested in partnering with an IHL Clinic (cooperating partner)

Join the Global IHL Clinic Network